I've had a good stretch of running this week (so far)--in fact, probably the best stretch of running I've had since we moved to TX. Why? Because I've been running on the treadmill at the gym. I'm not ambivalent about the treadmill; my dislike is unilateral. But with husband's current work schedule (which precludes even a 4:30am run) and the difficulty of pushing the kids in the double stroller in the heat, it's the best option. The kids stay in child care at the gym. Getting them to stay involved great histrionics on Helen's part and genuine distress for Huck, but after a month of attempts, they're pretty happy to go.
So, this week I managed 7 on Monday, and 6 miles on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I'll likely go today, too, for another 5-6. A few months ago this would have been a "down" week, but for now, it qualifies as a "good stretch." Ironically, during this week of indoor efforts, I got my new Montrail Sabinos in the mail. Ideally I'll have an opportunity to try them out on the trail this weekend.
Other than just getting in the miles, my other main concern is improving my diet. It needs a lot of improvement. A lot. I'm carrying 5-10 extra pounds, all of which are the result of too much chocolate and junk. I still eat like I'm nursing and running 50 miles a week, even though I'm not doing either. It's hard to eat well during the day when I'm running around with the kids, but I really need to work on it. I had cereal with chocolate cake frosting for breakfast this morning. Ahem. So I guess I'll start... now?