Finally getting back into a decent running routine after six weeks or so of quasi-resting and trying to deal with the recurring groin issue. It appears to be a psoas problem, and I've had a few ART sessions to "release" the pesky muscles; the therapy seems to have helped, but I still have twinges of pain and discomfort during most of my runs.
I've been doing trail runs at Government Canyon the last few weekends. I managed 15 miles yesterday, which is my longest run since we moved to Texas. Although I'm still not at peace with the rocks (and still pine for dusty fire roads), the trails are beautiful in their own way. I've never been the kind of runner who needs to run with other people, but I do miss my running friends in California--especially since I'm still on the "running moms" email list and can read about their weekly group long runs at Lake Chabot. I should probably unsubscribe for the sake of my sanity. I haven't seen a lot of people on the trails here, and the folks I have seen are pretty fast. Trail running isn't as popular here, and the people who do run trails are quick--not as many middle-of-the-pack runners out battling the cacti and kicking stones.
Not surprisingly, Hoss absolutely loves the trails here. His policy towards rocks is more generous than mine. He's training for the 25k at Bandera in January, although I won't be surprised if he moves up to the 50k. I wrote a training plan for him that includes just three runs a week, which he should be able to do without any major alteration in our family schedule. Right now, I'm thinking I'll do the Texas Trails 50k in December as a preview of the Rocky Raccon trail system. If all goes well and my pelvis doesn't implode, I'll do 50 miles at RR in February. And maybe a marathon or two in the fall. And...