So I'm not very good at keeping up with this blog. I update the kid blog almost daily, though. Our extended family gets antsy if a few days pass without evidence of their cuteness. I decided not to run Rocky Raccoon earlier this month. I made up my mind to forgo the race, not because I couldn't finish, but because I didn't want to injure myself in the process of a stubborn death march. I enlisted my friend Jill to make sure I didn't make a mad dash for Huntsville at the last minute. And, of course, I started thinking on Wednesday before the race that it might not be such a bad idea after all... I knew I could run 34 miles and what's one more 16 mile loop after that?, surely I could finish, right? For better or worse, though, on Friday we were hit with a minor snow storm that shut San Antonio down. Things quickly cleared up, but the roads in East Texas still looked a little dicey. I decided it was fate telling me to mind my hips (and my lack of training) and stay home. Sigh.
I think I'll do Prickly Pear 50k next month just for fun. I hope it doesn't rain in the days before the race, since McAllister park in the mud is an unpleasant prospect. Last time I ran there I slid down a slope into the creek; fun stuff. Hoss is running 25k at Nueces, otherwise I'd do the (much more picturesque and hilly) 50k there. Wouldn't it be great if races offered babysitting so both spouses could run? A bounce house near the start with a Goldfish-and-milk aid station...
If I can get in a few longer runs before April, I'll try 50 miles at Hells Hills. The kids go to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I've had to relinquish a lot of those training days recently to field trips or a sick kid. Why do preschoolers need to go on so many field trips? Why do they have to exchange so many germs? I need to get better about waking up at 4 to run dark loops in the subdivision.
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